Why Fad Diets Fail: The Truth Behind Quick Fixes

Greetings Everyone,

This week, we're diving into a topic that's near and dear to my heart: fad diets. I’m sure you’ve seen them, you’re scrolling through social media and see a flashy plan that promises to melt away pounds while eating a stick of butter for dinner every day. Or you fast for 18 hours and can eat anything you want for 6 hours without gaining a pound. Oh! One of my favorites, all you have to do is stop eating bread after 6pm. Well they’re lying, because 95% of them fail and here’s why.

Why Fad Diets Fail:

Picture this: you’re on your 5th hour of scrolling through Instagram, and bam! You come across a post about the latest celebrity diet that promises to help you shed 10 pounds in a week. “10 pounds in just a week sign me up!” Well, sit down and take a second to think: “Does this sound too good to be true and why?”

The Truth:

1. Unsustainability: Sure, cutting out carbs entirely might lead to some rapid weight loss, but can you really see yourself never eating bread ever again? Fad diets often rely on extreme restrictions that are impossible to maintain long-term. This leads you to crash and fall right back where you started once the novelty wears off.

Actionable Step: Instead of jumping into the latest diet trend, focus on making small, sustainable changes to your eating habits. Start by incorporating more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into your meals.

2. Lack of Individualization: We are all unique, with different bodies, metabolisms, and lifestyles. So why do we expect a one-size-fits-all diet to work miracles for everyone? Spoiler alert: it doesn't. Fad diets often ignore the individual factors that play a role in weight loss and overall health, leading to unattainable standards and a negative view of weight-loss.

Actionable Step: Take the time to listen to your body and experiment with different foods to see what works best for you. Keep a food journal to track how different foods make you feel and adjust your diet accordingly.

3. Focus on Short-Term Fixes: I’ll be 100% honest, losing weight is hard work. And while fad diets may offer a quick fix in the short term, they rarely address the root causes of weight gain or provide sustainable solutions for long-term health and wellness. It's like slapping duct tape on a broken window, it might cover up the problem temporarily, but deep down you know it’s still broken.

Actionable Step: Shift your focus from quick fixes to long-term solutions by setting realistic, achievable goals for yourself. It’s a marathon not a sprint, focus on building healthy habits that you can maintain for life.

4. Negative Impact on Mental Health: Don’t we all love the never ending cycle of yo-yo dieting? Lose weight, gain it back, feel like a failure, repeat. Sound familiar? Constantly hopping from one fad diet to the next can take a toll on your mental health and self-esteem, leaving you feeling defeated and demoralized.

Actionable Step: Practice self-compassion and focus on celebrating your progress, no matter how small. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who encourage you to embrace a balanced and sustainable approach to health and wellness.

In Conclusion:

And that’s the hard truth about fad diets. Instead of chasing after quick fixes and empty promises, let's focus on building sustainable habits that nourish our bodies and minds for the long haul. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter, where we'll dive into the art of decoding nutrition labels and making informed choices at the grocery store.

Remember, we're in this together. Let's ditch the fads and embrace a healthier, happier way of living—one mindful choice at a time.

Keep moving forward,

Jerry BTG

Motivation is limited

Discipline is forever


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