Ditch the Drive-Thru: Eat Smart, Spend Less

Greetings Everyone,

Earlier this month you may of seen a post I made talking about one of the biggest reasons people can’t lose weight “eating healthy is too expensive”. You can watch the video here but as a refresher I commonly hear than it is much less expensive to eat fast food that to go grocery shopping and eat “healthy”. But let me tell you something: that’s just not true at all. In fact, the truth is: it’s just easier to eat fast food. It’s easier to hit up McDonald’s or drive by Starbucks than it is to plan and cook a nutritious meal at home. Now comes the more core truth in all of this - it’s going to take effort.

Let’s talk about that. It’s going to take effort to go to the store, pick out ingredients, and then come home and actually cook. But you know what else takes effort? Losing weight. And if you’re serious about dropping pounds, you’re going to have to put in the work. Skipping the drive-thru might be very difficult in the moment, but trust me, it’s worth it in the long run and the longer you stick to it the stronger the habit becomes.

What about the cost? Ever wonder how much those fast-food runs add up to at the end of the week? Let’s do a rough break down:

  • Average cost of a fast-food combo meal: $8-$10

    • Includes a burger, fries, and a drink

If you eat out for lunch and dinner five times a week, that adds up to $80-$100 per week! Now, let’s compare that to cooking at home:

  • Average cost of a homemade meal for 2: $10-$15

    • Includes chicken, rice or pasta, and vegetables

Cooking at home for both lunch and dinner five times a week would cost you only $50-$75 per week! That’s a pretty significant difference! You’re saving money and eating healthier with more nutritious meals.

But what should I even cook?

Here’s a quick and easy chicken marinade recipe you can easily prep at the beginning of the week and have enough protein for 2-3 days of meals. Then on the side you can add some steamed rice or for a slightly higher cost buy some ready rice pouches that go in the microwave for additional variety. And you can’t forget your greens so add a simple side salad with some light dressing or lime/lemon juice.

Quick and Easy Chicken Marinade Recipe:


  • About a 1-1.5lbs of skinless chicken breast or thighs (thighs will add more calories but will be more flavorful)

  • 4 minced garlic cloves

  • ~2 tsp smoked paprika

  • ~3 tsp garlic powder

  • 4 tbsp honey

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • ~2 tsp of black pepper and salt (adjust to your preference)


  1. Add all ingredients into a gallon zip bag and shake around until chicken is fully coated.

  2. Leave in the fridge for at least 30 mins or up to 4 hours.

  3. Preheat your pan or grill over a medium heat.

  4. Take the chicken out of the marinade bag and grill for 6-8 minutes on each side. Note that cooking times will vary on the how hot your stove/grill is and the thickness of the chicken. Always use a meat thermometer and check that your thickest piece is at 165f.

  5. Remove the chicken form the stove/grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

  6. Serve with the sides mentioned above or experiment and make some grilled chicken sandwiches or burritos.

Listen, I get it. Making healthy choices isn’t always easy. But trust me with I say it’s worth it. So next time you’re tempted to pass by a drive-thru, remember -  you got this. Put in the effort, go grocery shopping, and let’s make some delicious, nutritious meals together.

Best regards,


Motivation is Limited

Discipline is Forever


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