Become The Goal

Become The Goal

Mindset | Habits | Results
Contact Us Today!

Our services

Distance is not an obstacle.

1 on 1 in Person Training

Private gym located in Pasadena CA.

Experience unparalleled fitness training.

Online Coaching

Train on your own schedule with our amazing app.

Distance is not an obstacle.

Nutrition shouldn’t be confusing or limiting.

Nutritional Coaching

No starvation weight loss.

Nutrition shouldn’t be confusing or limiting.

Become the goal

253 N Vinedo Ave #1, Pasadena, CA 91107


What our clients say about us

John Butler

“Gerardo has changed my life for the better. It’s been 5 years of intense training and he has helped me go from a desk jockey to participating in Triathlons and Mud Runs. He is currently helping me train for a full marathon. He listens to my concerns, and always has advice to my questions regarding nutrition and a healthier lifestyle. Oh, by the way,- I’m 65 years old and looking forward to many more years to come.”

Monica Xi

“Very professional, very effective, conscientious and responsible not only to provide professional and personal strength training but also to supervise my diet and impart a lot of health knowledge. Jerry is the best trainer I have ever had!”


“His amazing, he helped me completely changed my lifestyle, I was to afraid of being judge for my appearance because I was so over weight but never ones he make me feel any different. He helped me build my confidence and I became stronger I was able to loose 50lbs in less then 4 months just by teaching me how to changed little things that made a big difference in my life .. I remember the first day I stepped in to the gym I was so scared but when I was done with my workout it was the most amazing feeling specially ones I was able to see how my body was changing now I love going shopping for new clothes .. Thank you so much for changing my life 🙏🏻”

Meet Your Trainer

It’s very easy to believe that people in the fitness space have always been in shape or that exercise and nutrition comes easy to them. That was not the case for me.

I have struggled with my weight and self perception since I was a child. When I was 16 I injured my lumbar spine limiting me even more to the sedentary life I already lived. I spent my teen years stuck in a self-conscious shell and ended up hating myself for not being able to break out and feel confident. On top of this I’ve battled a binge eating disorder since I was about 6 making my journey that much more difficult.

I finally hit my tipping point when I was 20 and decided that enough was enough and I did what most people do to lose weight. I starved myself. This created a new cycle of yo-yo dieting. My weight constantly fluctuated up and down but I did find something I was consistent with.

The gym.

In the gym I found a deep passion for learning about the human body, especially when it came to exercise. As I noticed my body and confidence change I became obsessed with learning more.

Having always had a desire to help people I realized that becoming a personal trainer was the most natural option for me.

Fast forward 8 years I've amassed immense knowledge in not only exercise but nutrition, injury prevention and rehabilitation and many more aspects of the health coaching field from some of the top experts in the world.

I am now grateful for the obstacles I’ve faced as they’ve given me a unique perspective in how I coach my clients.

Let me walk besides you in this journey and let’s Become The Goal.

Take control of your health today!
Fill out the form or call us now!